Research suggests that by the time you are 35 years old, 95% of what you think, say and do is originating from unconscious mind.  Does this mean that most of us have become mindless zombies running on autopilot by the time we are 35?

In order to answer this question, we need to have a better understanding of the purpose of the unconscious mind and how it relates to who we are emotionally and spiritually.  Your brain is being constantly bombarded with information which is being delivered via the 5 senses.  It’s estimated that your senses deliver upwards of 11 million bits of information to your brain every second.  Your conscious mind, however, is only capable of processing roughly 50-200 bits of information per second.  Since it is estimated that the unconscious mind is capable of processing roughly 100 million bits of information per second, the lion’s share of the work processing input from your senses would have to fall on your unconscious mind.  Imagine how long you would live if it were up to your conscious mind to ensure that your heart kept beating at a regular pace.  Smart phones and video games would have caused the extinction of the entire human race.  The fact is, without our unconscious mind, we would have no hope for survival.

Putting this into perspective, then, it makes sense why we are operating from our unconscious mind 95% of the time.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing.  That said, the unconscious mind is a machine operating on a software program, and a large portion of that program is written between the time we are born and 7 years of age.  This is because in the early stages of life, our conscious mind has not fully developed, so we are operating primarily out of the Theta and Alpha brainwave states.  Within these states, we are highly suggestible – meaning observed information is not filtered by the conscious mind and is readily accepted as a software program.  This means that by the time we are 7 years old, our environment and experiences have written the foundation of who we will be for the rest of our lives.

The good news is this does not mean you are bound to this fate forever.  You can reprogram your subconscious mind, and you already have a significant tool at your disposal.  That tool is simply the awareness of the fact that your subconscious mind is an automatic machine.  Now that you are aware of this, you can consciously observe the thoughts and behaviors that occur as a result of those automatic programs. Simply being aware of, and observing your unconscious thoughts, emotions, and behaviors will help you to identify the parts of the program that need to be rewritten.

The reason many people fail to successfully attract the things they want in their lives, or heal physical or mental issues, is because the fail to understand the power of the subconscious mind and it’s influence on your reality.  To change your current reality, you must focus your attention inward and line up with your subconscious minds’ enormous potential.  You need to bypass your analytical mind and go deep within in order to gain access to your unconscious operating system.  To do this, please refer to my article “5 Tools to Rewrite Your Subconscious Program”.

In the short video below, Dr. Joe Dispenza articulates in a way few people can, the importance of the subconscious mind and its effect on reality, as well as his method on how to influence lasting change within your subconscious:

In closing, I just want you to understand that the reason I talk a lot about the subconscious mind is because I firmly believe that the key to unlocking our true spiritual potential lies within us.  If we can learn to master our unconscious behavior and redirect it to the greater good, the benefits to ourselves and humanity will be immeasurable.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this article and I hope it has helped guide you to the next phase in your personal evolution.

Dave Curtis

Meet Dave Curtis—an ordinary man who traded his suburban roots for an extraordinary quest into the mystical. A singular moment sparked a profound awakening, steering him toward the esoteric realms of meditation, astral journeys, and the magnetic pull of the law of attraction. At Quantum Mind, Dave weaves his discoveries into a tapestry of insights, offering a beacon for those yearning to expand their consciousness. Join him as he charts a course through the unseen, with stories and studies that promise not just to inspire, but to ignite a revolution within. Embrace the adventure, elevate your understanding, and transform with every shared revelation. Your odyssey into the vastness of the mind awaits.

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