The third eye, as discussed in the metaphysical community, is associated with the sixth energy center located in the center of your forehead.  It is also linked to the pineal gland, which is responsible for the production of chemicals that can lead to transcendental experiences.  Located within the pineal gland is a series of crystals that when stimulated begin to shimmer, creating an electric current.  The vibration of the crystals causes the pineal gland to act as a transducer, allowing you to tune-in to various frequencies that produce profound visual images. 

These experiences typically happen during meditation, or when using breathing techniques such as the one Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches. Most people who have had a transcendental experience report profound spiritual and inspirational experiences. As you become more adept at meditation and using your third eye, you will find that it will begin to remain open throughout your day – sometime leading to unanticipated experiences at the most unexpected moments. While this can be somewhat disruptive, it also means you are doing something right.  All of that said, for those who are just beginning to awaken their sixth energy center, it can be an unsettling experience if they are unaware of what to expect.  To that end, let us discuss the ‘side effects’ of activating this center and how to use it to create positive outcomes.

The Purpose of the Third Eye

The sixth energy center is associated with wisdom and intuition.  Many ancient philosophers believed it to be the seat of the soul.  It’s this energy center that allows us to tap into our intuitive and psychic energies which, on occasion, result in precognition or becoming aware of information that we otherwise have no access to.

It is also largely responsible for our ‘sixth sense’ – the one that tells us not to board a doomed train or to avoid walking down a dark alleyway.  Consistent use of this energy center will enhance your precognitive abilities and will enhance your perception of the reality around you.

The Potential Dangers of Opening the Third Eye

To be clear, activating your sixth energy center will not cause any physical or spiritual harm. When I use the term ‘danger’, I only use it in the most light-hearted sense, as there is no real physical danger associated with this. As with any new experience, the initial adjustment period can be somewhat unsettling.  As this energy center begins to become more active, things will begin to occur that – if you are not prepared for – can discourage you from wanting to proceed further.  Understanding those experiences are key to removing any fear associated with them.  Here are some of the most common side-effects of opening your third eye, all of which can be managed if you are careful to understand what they mean and how to plan for them.

  1. Sense of a Loss of Purpose – I’ve heard this one a lot when people begin to encounter their first profound spiritual experiences.  People who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) also report experiencing this.  Most people have only heard stories from others about experiences on the other side.  Those stories help to formulate their belief system.  When they descent into the spiritual realm personally, more often than not, their belief system is completely dismantled, and they become aware that things are completely different than they anticipated.  It is the dismantling of their belief system that leads one to begin to question the very nature of their reality and their role in it.  It can lead to significant changes in behavior and personality, affecting your personal life and relationships.  If this happens to you, it is important that you are patient with yourself.  You are in a new experience, and there is going to be an adjustment period as you begin to decipher what is happening to you.  Make sure you are open with those close to you and try to help them understand that you are going through a period of growth and transformation so they can be understanding of the changes in your behavior.
  2. You May Lose Your Sense of Fear – Once you become aware of your true immortal and limitless self, your sense of fear may become greatly diminished, or you will lose it completely. On the surface this may seem like a positive outcome, but it is important to be aware that you are still subject – for the most part – to the rules of a dense 3rd dimensional reality.  Your fearlessness can also have a frightening impact on those around you, if you begin to take unnecessary risks.  So – if this happens to you, it is important to think carefully about everything you do in life.  Try to balance your new-found confidence and intuition with some old-fashioned logical input.  While you may be an immortal being, your physical body is not – and you need it to navigate this reality right now.
  3. Unexpected Information Downloads – One thing I can assure you of, is that when your third eye becomes fully activated, you are going to receive information from nowhere.  You may suddenly become completely aware of what make a person tick, you may suddenly become aware of a potential future event, or you may find yourself able to effect your outer reality more quickly than you have before.  When this stuff begins to occur, allow yourself to surrender to it and accept it.  You may be tempted to suppress it, especially if you tune into some powerfully negative energies that may be tied to a specific individual.  It is important to allow this to happen while, at the same time, understanding that the energy is not yours.  If you try to suppress these information downloads, you will be sending signals to your subconscious mind instructing it to turn off these abilities, effectively undermining everything you are trying to accomplish.
  4. Vivid Dreams and Out of Body Experiences – Your pineal gland is now highly active, which consequently can result in very vivid dreams and possibly nightmares if your mood is negative.  These dreams can have such an emotional effect, that the energy of those dreams can follow you throughout your day.  This can have an impact on your ability to concentrate throughout your day.  To deal with this, I strongly recommend that you begin keeping a dream journal.  Writing your dreams down will help you to analyze and interpret them.  Since they are largely messages that your subconscious mind is trying to deliver to you, understanding the message will help you climb out of the emotional well that is created as a result of the dream.  It will also help you to learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible.
  5. Physical Side Effects – This is less common but does happen on occasion.  You may become overly sensitive to light and colors.  It can also lead to unexplained headaches.  Understand that this is just your body adjusting to the new energies being produced by your pineal gland and it is not causing any permanent damage.  You will eventually adjust, but you may find it beneficial to temporarily limit your exposure to overly stimulating environments.  Remember to take a time-out periodically throughout your day to focus on your breath, clear your head, and reconnect with the present moment.

If you are struggling with some of the results of opening your third eye, just try to remember that adjusting to new energies in the beginning can be a little uncomfortable.  This is a good thing, as your energies are beginning to vibrate at a higher frequency.  Consider it spiritual growing pains.  You are on the right path.  Meditation, getting the appropriate amount of sleep every night, and eating healthy and nourishing food can play a vital role in helping you manage these energies.  Good luck and I wish you the best as you proceed on your spiritual path.

Dave Curtis

Meet Dave Curtis—an ordinary man who traded his suburban roots for an extraordinary quest into the mystical. A singular moment sparked a profound awakening, steering him toward the esoteric realms of meditation, astral journeys, and the magnetic pull of the law of attraction. At Quantum Mind, Dave weaves his discoveries into a tapestry of insights, offering a beacon for those yearning to expand their consciousness. Join him as he charts a course through the unseen, with stories and studies that promise not just to inspire, but to ignite a revolution within. Embrace the adventure, elevate your understanding, and transform with every shared revelation. Your odyssey into the vastness of the mind awaits.

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