Tag - self-help

scenery in yellowstone national park

Change Your Perception, Change Your Reality

Most everyone is keenly aware of the drastic changes that are occurring around the world this year.  More has happened in the last 6 months than has happened in the last 5 years.  The changes are scary for some, exciting for others.  It depends on your perspective and how you choose to look at what’s...

sign of creating the future

Recognizing Your Creative Power

Many of us are facing very unique and unfamiliar situations in our lives right now.  The emergence of COVID-19 has fostered radical change in our society around the world.  Change like this is difficult for many of us to adjust to because our once stable daily lives have been transformed into something we no longer...

person observes night sky

How the Universe is Always Opening Door for You

At times, everyone occasionally becomes susceptible to allowing themselves to feed into the perception that things are not going well or they are not progressing at all.  When this happens, we become discouraged and begin to question whether or not the universe is working on our behalf.  It’s at moments like this that we must...