Is It Time to Ditch the Religious Paradigm?

Is It Time to Ditch the Religious Paradigm?

As I’ve pondered my existence and purpose over the years, I’ve spent a great deal of time wondering what my purpose is.  I’ve studied the work of dozens of authors, gurus, Prophets and Masters, and I’ve encountered some very profound stuff.  Yet, there always seemed to be this underlying insinuation that ‘this is the only way it is’ in most of the material I studied.  In my opinion, that’s the kind of thinking that has led to some of histories most bloody wars.  It fosters intolerance and encourages hatred and violence towards different belief systems. 

Despite all of this, I have noticed that things are changing. The world is beginning to outgrow the religious constructs regarding spirituality.  Membership in organized religions is on the decline, rapidly in some cases.  There is now a distinct difference between being ‘religious’ and ‘spiritual’ and being ‘religious’ now carries a negative connotation. This is also beginning to occur in the rigid scientific community, where nothing exists outside of the material.  People all over the world are beginning to wake up.  They are no longer accepting what is being said to them at face value.  The old paradigm of teacher/student, master/apprentice and prophet/disciple are beginning to give way to a new thought.  One in which our spiritual guides will show us the door, but we must enter on our own in order begin our journey to self-discovery. 

When we enter that door, we begin to recognize that there is room for everyone in this vast universe.  The only limitations to what we can see and learn are set by our own rigidity and belief system.  In order to truly grow, we must be willing to question everything – even beliefs that we have held on to for our entire life.  True growth only occurs when we release our opinions on how things should be and surrender to the fact that our limited minds can’t possibly comprehend reality as it truly is right now.  We must be open to new ideas, new experiences, and new concepts in order to better understand our true nature and purpose.  I readily admit that I don’t know the first thing about who we are or what our purpose is.  That said, I believe that if anyone claims they do, they are limiting themselves to their belief system and they will grow stagnate, spiritually.  If we accepted that the stars we can see at night make up the entire universe, then our ignorance would force us to remain ignorant of 96 percent of the universe.  If the universe is that vast, then logically speaking, how can any one person or religion claim that they know the truth?

In some of my previous articles, I’ve discussed how some open-minded scientists are challenging the status-quo and conducting experiments questioning the materialistic nature of existence (The Scientific Evidence).  I’ve also recounted the personal experiences of ordinary people who’ve accomplished extraordinary things (Mindwitness Testimony).  The evidence is there.  What must we do in order to shed the weight of our old beliefs in order to descend the rabbit-hole into true self-discovery?  As I said before – I’m no expert and I don’t claim to be, but I am ready to take a ride on a train into the unknown in order to find out… are you?

Stay Curious – Dave

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