Tag - Quantum Reality

Understanding the power of the quantum mind

Understanding the Power of Your Quantum Mind

One of the main reasons for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s popularity in the Law of Attraction community, is that he takes the time to do the research required to demystify the processes and formulas he teaches.  He directs a large portion of the money he makes in his events and online courses to scientific research in...

Couple walking on open road under star-lit sky

3 Steps to Enhance Your Law of Attraction Manifestations

If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the mud with regards to manifesting your desires, it is very likely a result of an internal subconscious program that is blocking your progress using the law of attraction.  As I’ve mentioned in prior articles, the subconscious mind is a set of automatic behaviors, emotional reactions,...

man morphs into nature scene

Experiment on the Power of Visualization

Here is the latest in a series of experiments to prove just how powerful our minds really are.  In this experiment, three groups of people were selected to work on improving their shooting skills in basketball.  The results are astounding and illustrate that our minds truly have influence over our outer environment.  Let me know...

Is It Time to Ditch the Religious Paradigm?

As I’ve pondered my existence and purpose over the years, I’ve spent a great deal of time wondering what my purpose is.  I’ve studied the work of dozens of authors, gurus, Prophets and Masters, and I’ve encountered some very profound stuff.  Yet, there always seemed to be this underlying insinuation that ‘this is the only way it is’ in...

Using the Power of Your Mind and Body to Create a New Reality

Part 1 - The Scientific EvidenceWhat if I were to tell you that there is scientific evidence that our consciousness is creating the world you see around you?  Would that change the way you interact with your environment?  Usually when I ask people that question, I get some funny looks in response.  I’ve learned to consider my audience...