Tag - subconscious mind

Exploring the Electric Universe Theory and Law of Attraction: A New Perspective in Cosmic Understanding

Welcome to a captivating exploration of the cosmos, where we delve into the intriguing Electric Universe Theory and its fascinating connection with the Law of Attraction. This post aims to enlighten, engage, and inspire readers who seek a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.The Electric Universe Theory: A Revolutionary ConceptAt the...

Discovering the Power Within

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that challenges the boundaries of your mind and spirit? Our newest video, "Evolving Beyond Your Limits: Key Insights from Dr. Joe Dispenza," offers just that – an exploration into the depths of personal growth and self-discovery, inspired by the revolutionary teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza.Who is...

The power of affirmations

Affirmations to Reprogram Your Subconscious During Sleep

Affirmations can be an immensely powerful method for reprogramming your subconscious mind if they are done while in the appropriate mindset.  In order to ensure that they are optimally effective, you must first prime your brain to be open to receiving them. The below video includes a very powerful set of affirmations that you can listen...

Abundance and Manifestation Word Cloud

The Pitfalls of the Law of Attraction – and How to Avoid Them

I have found that there is a subtle misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction.  It is one that can sneak up on you like a thief in the night if you are not careful.  As you begin to work with the energies and frequencies responsible for the utilization of this law, it’s important that you...

Creation of the planet earth

Quantum Entanglement and the Law of Attraction

Quantum Mind, or Quantum Consciousness, are the terms that are referenced within the scientific community when discussing a set of hypotheses that suggest that consciousness – specifically human consciousness – can’t be explained through classical mechanics.  This is critical because it suggests that Quantum Entanglement and Superposition may play a key role in consciousness.  If...

Couple walking on open road under star-lit sky

3 Steps to Enhance Your Law of Attraction Manifestations

If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the mud with regards to manifesting your desires, it is very likely a result of an internal subconscious program that is blocking your progress using the law of attraction.  As I’ve mentioned in prior articles, the subconscious mind is a set of automatic behaviors, emotional reactions,...

mystical mirror of young girl

Reprogramming Your Reality

The images that we produce in our minds, whether positive or negative, create footprints in the neurological structure of our brains, and generate fields of energy that attract the set of circumstances in our reality that is equal to the frequency of those thoughts.  As you begin to fully understand this, you will realize the...

Talking Yourself into Change

You may or may not be aware of this, but there is a good change that your subconscious mind is either ignoring everything you’re telling it, or it is doing exactly the opposite of what you’re telling it.Affirmations are one of the most commonly used methods for rewriting the subconscious mind.  Affirmations are basically a...

How Your Inner Child Controls Your Life

Research suggests that by the time you are 35 years old, 95% of what you think, say and do is originating from unconscious mind.  Does this mean that most of us have become mindless zombies running on autopilot by the time we are 35?In order to answer this question, we need to have a better...