Meditation Topics and Instruction

Articles on a variety of meditation topics, including free meditation audio, experiences from practitioners, and instruction on how to meditate.

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Pineal Gland

The human brain is a universe of its own, brimming with mysteries waiting to be explored. Among these enigmatic wonders, the pineal gland holds a special place – a tiny organ with a power that has fascinated scholars, spiritual seekers, and scientists for ages. In our latest video, "The Pineal Gland Revealed: Crystals, Currents, and...

Altering Reality through Meditation | A Journey into the Quantum Field

Meditation has been a cornerstone in various cultures throughout history, a testament to its enduring significance. This ancient practice, once rooted in spiritual and religious traditions, has found its way into modern-day applications, transcending its initial boundaries. Today, we explore meditation not just as a tool for inner peace, but as a gateway to the...

Mastering You Mornings | The Art of Deliberate Creation

In our high-speed digital age, stress seems to be an unwelcome but constant companion. Despite the myriad of technological advancements designed to streamline our lives, we often find ourselves more frazzled than ever before. But what if the key to combating this modern malaise lies not in doing more but in starting our day differently?...

Enhancing Your Intuition Through Meditation | A Mystical Journey Into the Mind

Have you ever sensed that there's a deeper level of consciousness just waiting to be unlocked? A realm where your senses are heightened, and intuition becomes as clear as day? In our quest for personal growth and self-improvement, we often overlook the powerful tool that is meditation—a practice that not only stills the mind but...

Abundance and Manifestation Word Cloud

The Pitfalls of the Law of Attraction – and How to Avoid Them

I have found that there is a subtle misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction.  It is one that can sneak up on you like a thief in the night if you are not careful.  As you begin to work with the energies and frequencies responsible for the utilization of this law, it’s important that you...

Woman meditating in empty roadway

Opening Your Third Eye – Is It Dangerous?

The third eye, as discussed in the metaphysical community, is associated with the sixth energy center located in the center of your forehead.  It is also linked to the pineal gland, which is responsible for the production of chemicals that can lead to transcendental experiences.  Located within the pineal gland is a series of crystals...

man creating reality

The Law of Attraction Meditation for Rapid Manifestations

Since the release of the movie “The Secret”, the law of attraction has become a common topic of discussion within the spiritual community.  While the movie did an excellent job of introducing the concept to the masses, it did not contain a great deal of actionable information to help you make use of the law. ...

Woman in chaotic library

The Hormones of Stress and How to Conquer Them

As our society has progressed technologically, our day to day lives have picked up pace in ways that have never been observed in our recorded history.  Despite all our technology designed to make our lives easier, we find ourselves busier and more stressed and worn out than ever before.  As we progress through our days interacting...

sun shining through misty forest

Using the Mystical Experience to Become More Purpose Driven

Imagine if you were able to enhance your senses by 25% - and not just your 5 physical senses, but your intuition and psychic senses as well.  What impact would this have on your life? There are well-documented cases of a mystical experience occurring within folks who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE’s).  In many of...