Messages from Dr. Joe Dispenza

Videos and interviews from one of the most influential people in meditation, personal healing, and creating your reality in the world.

Unveiling Your Future Self | A Journey of Transformation and Empowerment

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation? Our latest video, "Bridging Time: Connecting with Your Future Self," invites you into a world where your future is not just a distant dream, but a vivid reality waiting to be shaped by your own hands.The Heart of TransformationIn this video, we...

Revolutionize Your Life | Embrace Lasting Change Inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Welcome to a New Era of Personal Transformation!Are you on a quest for self-improvement and lasting change? Our latest video, "Revolutionize Your Life: Mastering the Art of Permanent Change," inspired by the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza, offers a groundbreaking approach to transforming your life.The Essence of Lasting ChangeChange is more than a fleeting decision;...

Discovering the Power Within

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that challenges the boundaries of your mind and spirit? Our newest video, "Evolving Beyond Your Limits: Key Insights from Dr. Joe Dispenza," offers just that – an exploration into the depths of personal growth and self-discovery, inspired by the revolutionary teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza.Who is...

Scientific Proof of Your Supernatural Potential

Exploring the Edge of Perception: Is Supernatural Within Us All?

In a world teeming with undiscovered phenomena, the concept of 'supernatural' abilities has often been relegated to the pages of fantasy and science fiction. But what if there's a sliver of truth to these fabled powers? Our latest deep-dive video explores the tantalizing possibility that these extraordinary capabilities might just be an intrinsic part of...

Hacking reality

Hacking Reality – How to Create from the Field

When we want something, whether it’s a new house, a new car, etc., we typically create a plan, identify goals, and build a budget that will help us to achieve that desire.  This process can take months or years to complete, depending on how diligent we are at adhering to the plan we’ve put into...

Understanding the power of the quantum mind

Understanding the Power of Your Quantum Mind

One of the main reasons for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s popularity in the Law of Attraction community, is that he takes the time to do the research required to demystify the processes and formulas he teaches.  He directs a large portion of the money he makes in his events and online courses to scientific research in...

Elevated Emotions and the Law of Attraction

Using Elevated Emotions to Attract a Better Life

How you think, how you act, and how feel determine your vibrational frequency. That frequency attracts the energies that will eventually bond together to form the conditions of your outer reality.  In order to change your outer reality, you will have to make lasting changes to the fundamental components of your vibrational frequency. On the surface...

meditating at sunset

Using Transcendental Meditation to Awaken Your Higher Self

Overcoming the part of yourself that tends to sabotage your forward progress can be exceedingly difficult – but it does not have to be.  If you are reading this, you are highly likely in an epic battle.  It is a battle between your past self and your future self – who you were, who you...

sun shining through misty forest

Using the Mystical Experience to Become More Purpose Driven

Imagine if you were able to enhance your senses by 25% - and not just your 5 physical senses, but your intuition and psychic senses as well.  What impact would this have on your life? There are well-documented cases of a mystical experience occurring within folks who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE’s).  In many of...

person walks toward earth

Harness Your Energy to Awaken Your Mind – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dolores Cannon stated in her book, "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth", that as we begin to notice the ascension of human consciousness into the New Earth, we will notice the physical effects as our vibrations and frequencies increase. 2020 has been a crazy year. We're only half way through...