Using Transcendental Meditation to Awaken Your Higher Self

meditating at sunset

Using Transcendental Meditation to Awaken Your Higher Self

Overcoming the part of yourself that tends to sabotage your forward progress can be exceedingly difficult – but it does not have to be.  If you are reading this, you are highly likely in an epic battle.  It is a battle between your past self and your future self – who you were, who you are, and who you want to be.  Every day you are battling through old habits, painful emotions, and bitter memories to try and focus on a brighter future – one with health, wealth, happiness, and love.  Maybe you’ve read volumes of books, or watched hours of self-help videos in an attempt to break though your old blocks and summon the greater person you know you are destined to become, but your progress has been slower than you would like. There's More To You Than You Think


The Transcendental Meditation Formula to Awaken Your Higher Self

If I have just described you, then I hope it helps you to know that you are not alone.  We are amid a great awakening, and if you are going through these things then you are on the path to awakening as well.  This is a good thing – you’ve recognized the need to grow and become the magnificent person you are destined to become, and while it may feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the mud, you are making progress – I promise you.


overcoming self with transcendental meditation

The reason things may seem so difficult is because you are battling years and years of programming that has been hardwired into your subconscious mind.  To simplify the process and speed up your transformation, you need to gain access to the minds operating system. This can be done through transcendental meditation. Once you are there, changes will begin to happen quickly, and your world will begin to transform before your eyes.  In this message from Dr. Joe Dispenza, produced by the talented folks of the YouTube channel JustMotivation, you will learn the formula for accessing your minds operating system.  Just below this video is the link to the meditations he references in his talk.  I wish you the best in your personal transformation journey.

Link to Dr. Joe’s Meditations

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