Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton is a developmental biologist who is most known for his views on Human Epigenetics. Best-selling author of the book, “Biology of Belief”.

evolving beyond societies programming

Evolving Beyond Societies Programming

When a caterpillar wraps itself in a cocoon to begin it metamorphosis into a butterfly, the rearrangement of its cells can make its body look unrecognizable in the midst of its transitional phase.  However, what we may see as chaos, is in reality a highly organized process of evolution.  In today's world, we are seeing...

mystical mirror of young girl

Reprogramming Your Reality

The images that we produce in our minds, whether positive or negative, create footprints in the neurological structure of our brains, and generate fields of energy that attract the set of circumstances in our reality that is equal to the frequency of those thoughts.  As you begin to fully understand this, you will realize the...