Spiritual Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Man using spiritual manifestation to create reality

Spiritual Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Spiritual Manifestation is a powerful concept which speculates that through meditation and positive visualization, you have the capability of creating the reality you desire. The idea can be a somewhat polarizing, as skeptics of the concept generally believe people who use this power are fooling themselves into believing that that have capabilities that are impossible, while supporters point to a number of research projects that support the existence of the concept. 

The concept of spiritual manifestation has been around for thousands of years, possibly beginning with the ancient Hindu concept of ‘karma’.  Modern interpretations of the law of karma are beginning to embrace the idea that our thoughts and emotions have the power to create an outcome. As we focus our energy on a thought with such intensity that it results in an emotional response, we send energy signals out into the universe. Those signals result in an electromagnetic frequency that serves as an attractive force for events and experiences that match the frequency of those thoughts. 

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Using Spiritual Manifestation to Attract What You Want

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If you truly believe that your thoughts and feelings can affect your outer reality, then you are one of the few who are aware that mastering your thoughts and feelings is of paramount importance. Having your dreams and desires come to you depends on your ability to raise your internal frequency to the level that matches them, then broadcasting that frequency out into the universe.  The Law of Attraction Meditation I recently shared is one powerful tool you can use to start the work of gaining control of your thoughts and emotions.  However, attracting what you want means that you must radiate the frequency of that desire all day, every day.  If you can find a way to do this, your desires will come to you without fail.

Think about this – if your dreams were not attainable, why are we blessed with the ability to have them? I promise you – the only thing standing between you and your dreams is your own belief about whether those dreams are possible for you. According to the Law of Attraction, anything is possible for you if you really believe it is.  As you place your focus and attention on the experiences you desire, and you begin to really believe that the universe is conspiring to bring those things to you, you will begin to notice strange synchronicities that will eventually lead you to them.

Some of the most powerful tools you can use to raise your frequency and attract the experiences you desire are:

  • Meditation – This is far and away the most powerful tool in your spiritual manifestation arsenal.  With meditation, you will be forcing yourself to let go of your worries and anxieties in order to connect with the generous present moment.  As you become more skilled at focusing your mind on the present moment, your frequency will begin to increase naturally on its own.
  • Vision Board – This is a concept that was introduced by John Assaraf in the movie “The Secret”.  This is a powerful tool you can use to activate the Law of Attraction through the creation of a simple collage, or board of things that you wish to manifest in your life.  The vision board works in two ways; 1. The act of creating the vision board assist you in adjusting your frequency to the vibration of your desires.  2. The constant reminder when you see your vision board brings you back to that vibration.  The board itself is only limited by your imagination.
  • Gratitude Journal – As is famously quoted by Dr. Joe Dispenza, “Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.”  The emotional signature of gratitude means that your wishes and desires have already arrived.  Placing yourself in a state of gratitude early in the morning, and at night prior to going to bed will help serve to change your frequency to a state of receivership around the clock.  There is near unanimous agreement that gratitude can create the most attractive force within the law of attraction.  A gratitude journal is simply a place where you can write down, every day, all of the things you are thankful for.  The act of writing these things down daily will help you shift your attention and energy away from the negative thoughts and feelings, to the positive ones.

There are many other tools you can use, but if you simply find a way to squeeze these three concepts into your day, you are going to create a huge shift in your personal frequency.  Your days will shift from being a series of stresses and worries, to a series of blessings and hope.  The landscape of your life will change dramatically in short order.

The HeartMath Experience

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