The Law of Attraction

Videos and instruction on the Law of Attraction and how to apply it to your life.

Woman with bright aura

Shifting to the New Earth and the Law of One

Are the crazy things happening around the world a sign that a shift in consciousness is coming?  According to many great authors like Dolores Canon, Neville Goddard, Mellen-Thomas Benedict, and Ra, we are destined for a huge shift in consciousness that has rarely, if ever, been seen within the universe.  Societies throughout the universe are...

young girl holds light in her hands

Law of Attraction Masterclass

There is an intricate relationship between the primary law, The Law of Vibration, and the secondary law, The Law of Attraction. The key to effectively utilizing The Law of Attraction in order to manifest your dreams and desires lies in your ability to modify your personal ‘vibration’ in order to attune yourself to the vibration...

sign of creating the future

Recognizing Your Creative Power

Many of us are facing very unique and unfamiliar situations in our lives right now.  The emergence of COVID-19 has fostered radical change in our society around the world.  Change like this is difficult for many of us to adjust to because our once stable daily lives have been transformed into something we no longer...

man floats while meditating

The Incredible Power of Belief

Many people live their lives never realizing just how powerful they really are.  They chug along in their lives under the false understanding that they are victims of circumstance and that things happen to them, rather than because of them.  Our beliefs are so powerful, that they can imprison us. In the following speech by Gregg...

pocket watch on top of coins

How to Create Wealth Without Lowering Your Vibration

One of the things I have observed as I have progressed through my spiritual journey is that there seems to be a stigma related to wealth and spirituality.  It’s seems that there is an unspoken understanding that it is not possible to pursue wealth and spirituality at the same time.  Pursuing wealth is widely regarded...

man morphs into nature scene

Experiment on the Power of Visualization

Here is the latest in a series of experiments to prove just how powerful our minds really are.  In this experiment, three groups of people were selected to work on improving their shooting skills in basketball.  The results are astounding and illustrate that our minds truly have influence over our outer environment.  Let me know...

Hidden Bible Teachings and the Law of Attraction

The YouTube channel Motivation Manifested compiled this video with Gregg Braden where he discusses hidden teachings in the bible that strongly support and teach the principles of the Law of Attraction.  This video is compiled using three separate speeches by Gregg Braden and is one of the most promising videos on YouTube supporting the idea...