Tag - Manifestation

california beach at sunset

How to Generate the Frequency of Abundance

What if I told you that the only thing separating you from the life you desire is your ability to ‘tune in’ to its vibration like you would tune your radio into a specific radio station?  It sounds simple – and it is – but we are typically fooled by our outer senses into believing...

Happy woman standing on beach during sunset

You Attract What You Think About – Like It or Not

What does it take to actually manifest your desires?  Are your thoughts getting in the way of bringing about the life you want to create? If you’ve ever become lucid in a dream, you are well aware of how quickly you can change the circumstances of the random set of events that are occurring within your...

shadow of person overlays planet

Recognizing Signs from the Creator

As we begin to break through the barriers that keep us disconnected from our higher selves, we begin to see subtle synchronicities that indicate that our connection is growing. It's during these moments when we are reminded that our efforts are not in vain. This is when we know that the magic is...

numbers circle womans face in space-time

Creating Positive Expectation

Many of you are really struggling today thanks to the effects of COVID-19 and its impact on the global economy.  If you’ve seen my prior post “Stepping into the Unknown”, you’re probably already aware that I am struggling through some challenges as a result of it as well. I’ve found that one of the most difficult...

man floats while meditating

The Incredible Power of Belief

Many people live their lives never realizing just how powerful they really are.  They chug along in their lives under the false understanding that they are victims of circumstance and that things happen to them, rather than because of them.  Our beliefs are so powerful, that they can imprison us. In the following speech by Gregg...

pocket watch on top of coins

How to Create Wealth Without Lowering Your Vibration

One of the things I have observed as I have progressed through my spiritual journey is that there seems to be a stigma related to wealth and spirituality.  It’s seems that there is an unspoken understanding that it is not possible to pursue wealth and spirituality at the same time.  Pursuing wealth is widely regarded...

Hidden Bible Teachings and the Law of Attraction

The YouTube channel Motivation Manifested compiled this video with Gregg Braden where he discusses hidden teachings in the bible that strongly support and teach the principles of the Law of Attraction.  This video is compiled using three separate speeches by Gregg Braden and is one of the most promising videos on YouTube supporting the idea...

Stepping Into the Unknown

17 years.  That’s how long I have been a dedicated and loyal employee to the company I have been working for.  That all comes to an end today.  My tenure and loyalty to this company did not save me from the latest wave of layoffs.  They blamed it on COVID-19.  They said times are unprecedented...

Talking Yourself into Change

You may or may not be aware of this, but there is a good change that your subconscious mind is either ignoring everything you’re telling it, or it is doing exactly the opposite of what you’re telling it.Affirmations are one of the most commonly used methods for rewriting the subconscious mind.  Affirmations are basically a...