Author - Dave Curtis

How to Participate in the Great Awakening

Several very notable people have spoken about the coming ‘Great Awakening’.  Folks like the late Dolores Cannon, David Wilcock and Neville Goddard are at the forefront of this movement.  As information becomes more readily available, people are beginning to learn and recognize their true potential.  These are unprecedented times and things are changing at a...

Hidden Bible Teachings and the Law of Attraction

The YouTube channel Motivation Manifested compiled this video with Gregg Braden where he discusses hidden teachings in the bible that strongly support and teach the principles of the Law of Attraction.  This video is compiled using three separate speeches by Gregg Braden and is one of the most promising videos on YouTube supporting the idea...

The Easiest Way to Quiet the Mind

In this video compiled by Sound Universe, Esther (Abraham) Hicks discusses how to align yourself vibrationally to discover and achieve what you wish to manifest.For those of you who are unaware of the work of Esther and Abraham Hicks, please follow this link to learn more:!

Special Release – Third Eye Meditation

In this guided meditation, Your Youniverse provides a special release meditation to activate the pineal gland and open your 3rd eye in an effort to raise awareness.  Your Youniverse is one of the most influential channels on YouTube dedicated to expanding Human consciousness.  This meditation uses specialized meditation music to help stimulate higher awareness and place...

Guided Meditation for Manifesting Large Sums of Money

This guided meditation is brought to you by Brian Scott, author of The Reality Revolution and host of The Reality Revolution Podcast.  In this meditation, he takes you through the most effective mantra/affirmation for manifesting large sums of money.  Brian's meditations are some of the best on YouTube, so I hope you take some time...

Stepping Into the Unknown

17 years.  That’s how long I have been a dedicated and loyal employee to the company I have been working for.  That all comes to an end today.  My tenure and loyalty to this company did not save me from the latest wave of layoffs.  They blamed it on COVID-19.  They said times are unprecedented...

A Message for the Messengers

Throughout the last several months, as I’ve been attempting to remain consistent with providing content on this blog, I’ve had this nagging thought in the back of my mind – what am I really contributing here that is beneficial and original?  There are dozens of very influential people who are writing on the topics I...