Tag - meditation

Woman in chaotic library

The Hormones of Stress and How to Conquer Them

As our society has progressed technologically, our day to day lives have picked up pace in ways that have never been observed in our recorded history.  Despite all our technology designed to make our lives easier, we find ourselves busier and more stressed and worn out than ever before.  As we progress through our days interacting...

Sunset over spring morning

The Mechanics of The Law of Attraction

Many people are aware of the Law of Attraction, but few really understand how the law really works.  Often people will spend countless hours visualizing and imagining the desire they’re attempting to manifest, only to find themselves asking why it’s not working.  If you find yourself asking this question, then it’s likely that despite your...

sun shining through misty forest

Using the Mystical Experience to Become More Purpose Driven

Imagine if you were able to enhance your senses by 25% - and not just your 5 physical senses, but your intuition and psychic senses as well.  What impact would this have on your life? There are well-documented cases of a mystical experience occurring within folks who have had Near Death Experiences (NDE’s).  In many of...

sign of creating the future

Recognizing Your Creative Power

Many of us are facing very unique and unfamiliar situations in our lives right now.  The emergence of COVID-19 has fostered radical change in our society around the world.  Change like this is difficult for many of us to adjust to because our once stable daily lives have been transformed into something we no longer...

angel observes planet and star

Connecting with Spirit Guides and Angels Meditation

This is a fairly short 18-minute meditation that will help you pause and reach a place of peace and love in order to help you connect with your spirit guides and angels. The music that is used in this meditation is designed to help you reach a quiet and calm place in your mind which...

person walks toward earth

Harness Your Energy to Awaken Your Mind – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dolores Cannon stated in her book, "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth", that as we begin to notice the ascension of human consciousness into the New Earth, we will notice the physical effects as our vibrations and frequencies increase. 2020 has been a crazy year. We're only half way through...

sun rises over beautiful landscape

The Power of Positive Thinking Meditation by Deepak Chopra

Everyday at 7:00am PST, Deepak Chopra will host a guided meditation on the power of positive thinking. In today's world, when tensions seem to be at their peak and unrest appears to be abound, it's essential that we maintain our inner peace and spread love and understanding to all of those around us. ...

shadow of person overlays planet

Recognizing Signs from the Creator

As we begin to break through the barriers that keep us disconnected from our higher selves, we begin to see subtle synchronicities that indicate that our connection is growing. It's during these moments when we are reminded that our efforts are not in vain. This is when we know that the magic is...

geometrical shape in space

Quantum Jumping Meditation by Your Youniverse

Through this guided meditation, Your Youniverse guides you into your subconscious mind in order to tap into the quantum field and jump into a parallel reality. Quantum Jumping has become a very popular subject within the esoteric community and is being practiced more often in modern society. This is a very powerful meditation...

vintage photos of ancestors

Past Life Regression Meditation by New Horizon

The best selling author Delores Canon popularized the idea of connecting with your subconscious in order to explore your past lives and you time between lives. As a result, more and more people have become curious about how their past lives are affecting the circumstances of their current life.In this meditation hosted by...