
Written articles by Quantum Mind authors on a variety of consciousness and awareness expanding topics.

Enhancing Your Intuition Through Meditation | A Mystical Journey Into the Mind

Have you ever sensed that there's a deeper level of consciousness just waiting to be unlocked? A realm where your senses are heightened, and intuition becomes as clear as day? In our quest for personal growth and self-improvement, we often overlook the powerful tool that is meditation—a practice that not only stills the mind but...

Abundance and Manifestation Word Cloud

The Pitfalls of the Law of Attraction – and How to Avoid Them

I have found that there is a subtle misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction.  It is one that can sneak up on you like a thief in the night if you are not careful.  As you begin to work with the energies and frequencies responsible for the utilization of this law, it’s important that you...

hands using magic

Tapping Into Your Supernatural Powers

How powerful is our consciousness?  Are we capable of supernatural feats, or is this all just fantasy cooked up by a few talented public speakers looking to grow their personal wealth?  As of now your consciousness resides within a physical body.  This physical body is subject to all the physical laws of nature.  Without wings...

Creation of the planet earth

Quantum Entanglement and the Law of Attraction

Quantum Mind, or Quantum Consciousness, are the terms that are referenced within the scientific community when discussing a set of hypotheses that suggest that consciousness – specifically human consciousness – can’t be explained through classical mechanics.  This is critical because it suggests that Quantum Entanglement and Superposition may play a key role in consciousness.  If...

Woman meditating in empty roadway

Opening Your Third Eye – Is It Dangerous?

The third eye, as discussed in the metaphysical community, is associated with the sixth energy center located in the center of your forehead.  It is also linked to the pineal gland, which is responsible for the production of chemicals that can lead to transcendental experiences.  Located within the pineal gland is a series of crystals...

Man using spiritual manifestation to create reality

Spiritual Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Spiritual Manifestation is a powerful concept which speculates that through meditation and positive visualization, you have the capability of creating the reality you desire. The idea can be a somewhat polarizing, as skeptics of the concept generally believe people who use this power are fooling themselves into believing that that have capabilities that are impossible,...

man creating reality

The Law of Attraction Meditation for Rapid Manifestations

Since the release of the movie “The Secret”, the law of attraction has become a common topic of discussion within the spiritual community.  While the movie did an excellent job of introducing the concept to the masses, it did not contain a great deal of actionable information to help you make use of the law. ...

Woman in chaotic library

The Hormones of Stress and How to Conquer Them

As our society has progressed technologically, our day to day lives have picked up pace in ways that have never been observed in our recorded history.  Despite all our technology designed to make our lives easier, we find ourselves busier and more stressed and worn out than ever before.  As we progress through our days interacting...

Couple walking on open road under star-lit sky

3 Steps to Enhance Your Law of Attraction Manifestations

If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the mud with regards to manifesting your desires, it is very likely a result of an internal subconscious program that is blocking your progress using the law of attraction.  As I’ve mentioned in prior articles, the subconscious mind is a set of automatic behaviors, emotional reactions,...

california beach at sunset

How to Generate the Frequency of Abundance

What if I told you that the only thing separating you from the life you desire is your ability to ‘tune in’ to its vibration like you would tune your radio into a specific radio station?  It sounds simple – and it is – but we are typically fooled by our outer senses into believing...