
In this section, we will introduce you to dozens of videos from top influencers in consciousness and metaphysical research from all walks of life. We will explore topics ranging from Law of Attraction, Meditation, and even the Paranormal. We hope you enjoy it!

pocket watch on top of coins

How to Create Wealth Without Lowering Your Vibration

One of the things I have observed as I have progressed through my spiritual journey is that there seems to be a stigma related to wealth and spirituality.  It’s seems that there is an unspoken understanding that it is not possible to pursue wealth and spirituality at the same time.  Pursuing wealth is widely regarded...

ego ball and chain attached to persons feet

Why the Ego Tries to Stifle Your Meditation

Our ego – our conscious, thinking mind – thinks we are alone.  As we observe the environment around us, it appears that we are separate from it.  Our ego tells us that we are separate from it.  During meditation, we try to quiet our mind and turn within. Our ego does everything in its power...

man morphs into nature scene

Experiment on the Power of Visualization

Here is the latest in a series of experiments to prove just how powerful our minds really are.  In this experiment, three groups of people were selected to work on improving their shooting skills in basketball.  The results are astounding and illustrate that our minds truly have influence over our outer environment.  Let me know...

woman meditating by a lake

Can the Great Awakening be Stopped?

As we continue to dig deeper into the recesses of our minds and become more aware of how individually powerful we are, it is inevitable that there will be some people in power who will attempt to resist and prevent the awakening from happening.  As humanity awakens, the pendulum of power will begin to shift...

How to Participate in the Great Awakening

Several very notable people have spoken about the coming ‘Great Awakening’.  Folks like the late Dolores Cannon, David Wilcock and Neville Goddard are at the forefront of this movement.  As information becomes more readily available, people are beginning to learn and recognize their true potential.  These are unprecedented times and things are changing at a...

Hidden Bible Teachings and the Law of Attraction

The YouTube channel Motivation Manifested compiled this video with Gregg Braden where he discusses hidden teachings in the bible that strongly support and teach the principles of the Law of Attraction.  This video is compiled using three separate speeches by Gregg Braden and is one of the most promising videos on YouTube supporting the idea...

The Easiest Way to Quiet the Mind

In this video compiled by Sound Universe, Esther (Abraham) Hicks discusses how to align yourself vibrationally to discover and achieve what you wish to manifest.For those of you who are unaware of the work of Esther and Abraham Hicks, please follow this link to learn more:!