Tag - law of attraction

Understanding the power of the quantum mind

Understanding the Power of Your Quantum Mind

One of the main reasons for Dr. Joe Dispenza’s popularity in the Law of Attraction community, is that he takes the time to do the research required to demystify the processes and formulas he teaches.  He directs a large portion of the money he makes in his events and online courses to scientific research in...

Elevated Emotions and the Law of Attraction

Using Elevated Emotions to Attract a Better Life

How you think, how you act, and how feel determine your vibrational frequency. That frequency attracts the energies that will eventually bond together to form the conditions of your outer reality.  In order to change your outer reality, you will have to make lasting changes to the fundamental components of your vibrational frequency. On the surface...

using heart intelligence to connect to your higher self

Using Heart Intelligence to Tune Into Your Higher Self

Although the idea of ‘thinking with your heart’, or ‘following your heart’ is not a new concept, there was no scientific evidence that the heart played any role in mental processing until recently.  In 1991, Dr. J. Andrew Armour of the University of Montreal, discovered a group of about 40,000 neurons that he termed, ‘The...

hands using magic

Tapping Into Your Supernatural Powers

How powerful is our consciousness?  Are we capable of supernatural feats, or is this all just fantasy cooked up by a few talented public speakers looking to grow their personal wealth?  As of now your consciousness resides within a physical body.  This physical body is subject to all the physical laws of nature.  Without wings...

Creation of the planet earth

Quantum Entanglement and the Law of Attraction

Quantum Mind, or Quantum Consciousness, are the terms that are referenced within the scientific community when discussing a set of hypotheses that suggest that consciousness – specifically human consciousness – can’t be explained through classical mechanics.  This is critical because it suggests that Quantum Entanglement and Superposition may play a key role in consciousness.  If...

Man using spiritual manifestation to create reality

Spiritual Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

Spiritual Manifestation is a powerful concept which speculates that through meditation and positive visualization, you have the capability of creating the reality you desire. The idea can be a somewhat polarizing, as skeptics of the concept generally believe people who use this power are fooling themselves into believing that that have capabilities that are impossible,...

man creating reality

The Law of Attraction Meditation for Rapid Manifestations

Since the release of the movie “The Secret”, the law of attraction has become a common topic of discussion within the spiritual community.  While the movie did an excellent job of introducing the concept to the masses, it did not contain a great deal of actionable information to help you make use of the law. ...

Couple walking on open road under star-lit sky

3 Steps to Enhance Your Law of Attraction Manifestations

If you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the mud with regards to manifesting your desires, it is very likely a result of an internal subconscious program that is blocking your progress using the law of attraction.  As I’ve mentioned in prior articles, the subconscious mind is a set of automatic behaviors, emotional reactions,...

woman standing next to mask

How to Shift to 5D Consciousness

There has been a lot of discussion, especially recently, about the possibility of an upcoming shift from 3D consciousness to 5D consciousness.  What does it mean to ascend to to this next level? To understand what it takes to move into this level of awareness, you must first understand the difference between 3D and 5D consciousness,...

mystical mirror of young girl

Reprogramming Your Reality

The images that we produce in our minds, whether positive or negative, create footprints in the neurological structure of our brains, and generate fields of energy that attract the set of circumstances in our reality that is equal to the frequency of those thoughts.  As you begin to fully understand this, you will realize the...